May 29, 2009

Captivity, originally uploaded by kalarcadia.

Dear Ben,

She means no harm, you say. Try to have some fun, you say.

No can do. Your girlfriend is sadistic.

After suffocating in her purse during work on Friday, she dragged me back to her house and proceeded to gab at you for what felt like a mere three months. She said she had planned to go for dinner and dancing with some male. She is obviously up to no good, because rather than keep her latest slave in tow (that's me, in case subtlety is lost on you), she chose to leave me HERE.

Does she understand that cameras don't need water?

I feel like a character in an Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn novel.

-Nikon Coolpix.

Posted by Kala at May 29, 2009 07:43 PM

So you got to hang out with cupcake? You could have taken cute photos of her or not. If your still functioning no harm has been done really. Hang in there just a few more days. Then we will be sure to charge your battery up and put you back into a dark bag to be left for days, weeks, or months at a time.

Posted by: Ben on June 1, 2009 08:05 AM
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